Conscious Movement with Nada Mesqui

Somatic healing through embodiment and free, conscious movement.

Are you ready to welcome more flow, aliveness, and embodied awareness in your life?

Join the monthly practice for FREE →

What is Raindrop Movement?


Raindrop Movement is a holistic healing embodiment practice. It is designed to help you reconnect to your whole body and stop living solely from your neck up.

It invites you to turn down the volume of your busy mind and tune into the deeper consciousness of your soma.

Experience a combination of somatic teaching, mindset coaching, energy healing and free movement. Recognize and release any mental, emotional, and energetic blocks that are trapped in your body.



How can I guarantee this is for you?

Because I am YOU!

Nada Mesqui, CEO & Founder of Raindrop Movement ™.

I burned out in a desperate pursuit of balancing a corporate career, entrepreneurship, motherhood, wifehood, and life. In an attempt to thrive in our overly masculine world, I abandoned the feminine essence that lives in my body.

I spent a decade of my life exploring and trying different ways to return to a “simple” feeling good.

I explored and trained in various healing modalities, hoping to reconnect with my feminine body. Among them: Integrative Somatic Therapy, Transformational Leadership coaching, yoga, meditation, 5rhythms, NIA, breathwork and Vortex Energy Healing.

I was looking for that place of quiet stillness and intuitive knowing. Instead, I found myself trapped in what seemed like a never-ending “working hard to heal” journey.

I founded Raindrop Movement because I wanted to create a space for women to feel enough. I wanted to provide a space in which there is no fixing, no efforting, and no trying. A space for us to surrender to all the embodied feminine wisdom that already exists within each of us.

As soon as I offered this modality to my clients, they started noticing how they could hear more of themselves. They could hear the voice of their body, their intuition, and their true, feminine essence.

And once you can hear, you cannot unhear. Because when you have direct access to all parts of you, you get to choose what feels right. What truly feels in the service of your Highest Good.

Make that choice regularly and you will observe your life transforming from the inside out.

  • You don’t have to live with constant stress, anxiety, and tension in your body.
  • You don’t have to feel completely disconnected from your body wisdom.
  • You don’t have to operate with a tank half empty all the time.

We have all been functioning in survival mode for far too long. Now, it’s time to return to our feminine ways, to gentle slowing down, to our full-bodied, embodied being.

I have devoted my life to guiding overworked, exhausted yet brave and fierce women into an embodied life of overflow and ease.

The fastest way to get there is through your body. Your body knows what your mind is still processing. Begin listening to your Body.

YES, sign me up to your free practice→

Ways we can work together


Wild Woman's Altar

Meet us every New Moon to experience the power of ritual, embodiment practice, energy healing, and sisterhood support!

Check it out →

Foundation of Feminine Embodiment Certification

Are you a female coach wanting to incorporate more body awareness in your life and practice?

Check it out →

Private Coaching

Ready to take a deep dive into your one & only wild life? Apply for my 1:1 female mentorship!

Check it out →

Raindrop Movement Teacher Training

Are you interested in teaching feminine embodiment? Or maybe you want to include conscious movement in your workshops, women’s circles or retreats? This training is for you!

Check it out →

Are you ready to welcome:


  • The release of all tension — physical, mental, and emotional
  • More energy that you can bring to who and what really matters to you
  • More connection to self, to your body, to your sensuality and femininity
  • A renewed sense of inner peace, joy, and pleasure
  • A sense of freedom and flow that will manifest as less anxiety and more calm in your life
  • The awakening of your intuitive knowing that will help you live in a state of alignment and self- trust
  • Clarity on your next steps and more ease in making decisions that feel right
  • A connection to something greater than yourself

Then, you are in the right place.

Who is Raindrop Movement for?


  • Empaths and Sensitives feeling a lot and being overwhelmed with emotions and anxiety
  • Big Thinkers who cannot find ways to calm their restless mind and drop into something deeper
  • “Do-it-All” Women who have adapted very well to the impossible demands of today’s world.
  • Those who go fully into their very masculine “GO-DO-ACT” mode while losing touch with their natural feminine flow side
  • Seekers, healers, coaches and well-being practitioners who want to support others in receiving their own body wisdom

Join our next free monthly conscious movement practice!


Each first Wednesday of the month, women gather from all walks and cycles of life. They come together in a sacred container of a Zoom room to feel intimate with their own bodies.

We move, we release, we rejoice, and we heal.

All sessions are 60-minute long.

Sign up for the free monthly practice →

How do our participants describe the Raindrop Movement?


Freebies you can enjoy in the meantime:


20 minute at-home embodiment practice

Audio with movement guidance and 3 carefully selected music pieces that will allow your nervous system to relax and slow down so that your body can open up to inner listening.


Special "drop down" playlist

A playlist that will allow you to get out of your busy mind and into your sensing body in a matter of minutes.


New to the world of embodiment?


Join our community of women ready to return home to their feminine bodies.

Join our list to get all the goods including top embodiment tips, favorite playlists, suggested resources & exclusive access to VIP offers.

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